


With the Chinese New Year just around the corner, many people are once again interested in this culture and finding out why they follow the lunar calendar, what their horoscope is like, or what traditions are followed. The Chinese New Year (农历新年, nónglì xīnnián) is also known as the Spring Festival (春节, chūnjíe), and begins on the new moon closest...

Chakra (Sanskrit (चक्र, circle), is the word used in Hinduism to refer to the sources of energy that are believed to be inside the human being, and that are nourished by breathing (prana). Correct breathing, together with other factors, helps all the chakras to be balanced, and therefore, the physical and mental life of the individual to be...

The belief in the existence of another life after death has been present in many cultures throughout history: Some believe in communication with the deceased through dreams, rituals such as necromancy or through mediums who act as intermediaries between the two worlds. These concepts vary greatly depending on traditions and personal beliefs, some...

The Hirz or Herz is a written incantation, but it is better known as an amulet whose origins lie in the magical use of the verses of the Koran, for protective and beneficial purposes. For this reason they are also called "prayer boxes". The elongated container that contains this text is commonly known as hirz, but it is really the...

Before moving forward historically speaking in the development of alchemy, we believe it is necessary to make a brief pause in the definition of the Emerald Tablet or Tabula Smaragdina, in Latin, to which references are continually made.

Called the thirteen lads or the thirteen trolls, they are characters from Icelandic folklore who for thirteen days symbolised the fears of Icelanders in past centuries, in their harshest season, winter.

Recently, statements have appeared from the Church of Rome pointing out, as it has done repeatedly in the past, that Freemasonry was not compatible with Christianity. This is mainly due to the increase in individuals who claim to be both. But both factions have been shocked by cases such as that of the Brazilian bishop who celebrated a special mass...

Nazi Occultism


In pre-Third Reich Germany, there was a growing interest in Germanic symbolic heritage that led to practices based on the occult.

The witch's knot is similar to the witch's ladder, but they are not the same. The ladder is a spell with knots, while the witch's knot is a symbol and a magical tool. The witch's knot has become popular among Wiccans, however it was already known in neopaganism for its influence in the Celtic world, although its origin goes back even further....

Feng Shui is not often referred to as Eastern geomancy, as this term is more widespread in the Western world and the world of divination. It is also true that Feng Shui is not a divinatory system, although it has to do with its beginnings and with the I Ching, but a practical philosophy that relates to the flow of...

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